Roni Essex Freediver, Spearo, Creator
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For freedivers, comfort and performance are paramount, and every piece of gear plays a crucial role in achieving success underwater. One such essential piece of equipment is the neck weight, a tool that can make or break your diving experience. Deep freediver Linda Paganelli recently shared her thoughts on the Freediving Neck Weight by Alchemy, here's what she said.

A History of Neck Weight

Linda Paganelli, an experienced freediver, shares her journey with neck weights, which dates back to her early days in the sport. Like many of us, she used to create her own custom neck weights, carefully shaping them to ensure no pressure on her throat. However, everything changed when she discovered Alchemy's Neck Weight.

The Alchemy Neck Weight

Alchemy has taken years of experience and feedback to design the sleekest, most functional, and comfortable neck weight to date. It's simple yet perfect, consisting of an oval-shaped silicone mold with a matte finish containing a lead bar of varying weights and lengths.

One of the most remarkable features of the Alchemy Heavy Neck Weight is its unparalleled comfort. Linda Paganelli describes how she wore it for the first time during the World Championship in Cyprus and forgot it was there until hours later. The secret to its comfort lies in the thick layer of silicone surrounding the lead, giving it a pillow-like effect. You won't feel any uncomfortable edges or pressure on your throat, as often experienced with other molded neck weights.

The matte silicone has a slightly sticky texture that ensures the neck weight stays precisely where you put it. This feature is precious when wearing a smooth skin wetsuit, as the combination of two sticky materials prevents it from moving or turning around your neck. Say goodbye to the discomfort of neck weights that slam against your chin during mouthfill and hello to a stable, enjoyable freediving experience.

Options, Durability, and Maintenance

The Alchemy Neck Weight offers various customization options, allowing freedivers to choose the best fit for their needs. With three different lengths (40cm, 45cm, and 50cm) and nine different weights, you can tailor your neck weight to your specific preferences. The two color options, black and white, add a touch of style to your gear. For those with thinner necks (typically most women), the 40cm length is recommended. Ideally, you want the two ends to meet snugly around your neck, preventing excessive movement.

Many freedivers wonder about the durability and maintenance of the Neck Weight. According to Linda, the white silicone option stays remarkably clean and stain-free, even when exposed to various elements like peeling paint and grease. As for durability, Linda reports that her neck weights have shown no signs of wear, even after two years of use. They can withstand rough handling, as long as you treat them with reasonable care.

How to Get Your Alchemy Neck Weight

If you're interested in experiencing the comfort, stability, and style of the Alchemy Neck Weight, you can purchase one through the Alchemy website. You'll have the opportunity to choose the size, color, and weight that suits your needs. The prices start at 88 euros, excluding shipping costs. If you happen to be in Tenerife, you can also visit Atlantis Freediving shop and try one on in person.

In the world of freediving, every piece of equipment matters. The Alchemy Neck Weight, with its innovative design, comfort, and customization options, has set a new standard in neck weights. Whether you're a seasoned freediver or just starting your underwater journey, this neck weight is a game-changer. Say goodbye to uncomfortable neck weights and hello to a more enjoyable and successful freediving experience.

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