Nick Pelios Freediver, Creator
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If you have a look at the world's current deepest freedivers, you will realize that most of them are above the age of 30. Alexey Molchanov is 35, Alenka Artnik is 41 and William Trubridge is 42, to name a few. Why is it that we don't see some below the age of 30? Is it because they are lacking experience? Is it because of the wrong mindset? In a recent episode of The Freedive Cafe podcast, Jennifer Wendland shared her views on the subject.

Does Freediving Need Maturity?

"If you look at most top athletes, there are in their 30s, some even older than that. Because freediving needs that maturity. But if you are somebody who could train in freediving from 10-12 years old, of course, you can bring so much more experience, and those would be the ones who can excel in their 20s. Maybe also physically their body is able to push a bit more. It will be interesting to see, if that really is true, that if they can have super amazingĀ  performances in their 20s or if they have to wait until their 30s to have the maturity and wisdom to do deep dives. For sure, the talent is out there and as the sport is growing, we will see younger and younger freedivers who will do amazing things".

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