Are you looking for an action camera specifically for filming underwater? If that's the case, make sure to stick around and I'll share with you the 5 features that I find most important in such a camera.

Size & Ease Of Use

A beginner's camera for filming underwater should be small and easy, intuitive to use, so you don't spend too much time learning how to use the camera. You should be able to go on your dive you can, have it in your pocket or something, and whenever something interesting comes up during the dive, you can just pull it out and start filming with the push of a button.


Look for a camera that has not only got water resistance but features a solid build body and wouldn’t be broken after its first fall on the ground. It is a good idea to actually pay attention to what material the camera is made out of, preferably not plastic, as they can crack quite easily.


None of us like to spend too much money on equipment. Normally when you start off filming underwater you are very excited and want to spend a lot, but what happens if you decide to stop this activity in the next months? So be cool, don't spend too much in the beginning.

Image Quality

Even as a beginner who has just started filming underwater, you want to get decent image quality, so that's also a fairly important factor in your choice process for your first underwater filming camera. Now, there are different factors again that are combined when it comes to image quality, and it's basically how easy it is to get a pleasing image out of it, whether or not you can use filters, whether or not the camera has an integrated electronic filter, whether or not you have different options for frame rates, for resolution etc.

Battery Life

Battery life is very important. Opt for the camera with the longest hours available, it will make your life a lot easier.

The Best Camera For Beginners

I just love a Go Pro. It’s durable, and has great image quality and battery life. Regarding mounts, there are so many of them,  from mask mounts and handlers, to clips for your weight belt. Also, it’s easy to share to your phone so you can edit and post your pictures straight after your dive. And last but not least you can use this camera on land too, not just for diving. You can dive up to 10 meters without underwater housing, which means you can use it straight out of box without any additional gear. Go Pro can shoot up to 5K resolution and have an underwater white balance which helps get a nice image. Also, you can find different filters that make your life easier, if you are planning to go deeper.

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