Alchemy partner David Ochoa embarked on a trip to New Zealand, in order to film renowned spearos Justin Lee and Ryan Meyers. The film produced was a challenging one, as he had to follow Justin & Ryan while they were scouting unknown territories for the New Zealand Spearfishing Nationals Comp. Finally, he managed to make a story that shows what goes behind spearfishing comps and it seems that he could not have had better guys to reflect this message. These guys might do everything to win, but at the end of the day spearfishing is a bit more than that.
I get asked all the time, why do i do it? Why do i compete? What drives me to go to waters that i'm not familiar with? To challenge some of the best in the world in their backyard? You know, when all of the odds are against us, what makes us want to go there? It's all the experiences in life. I want to look back at life and be like "i did this". For me at the end of the day, it's the stories that i'm gonna get to tell my daughter and hopefully get her interested in the ocean, get her interested in traveling and seeing much of the land while on earth. As a father that's all you can do, spark interest and passion.