One thing is for sure. We must all eat a healthy diet and that applies to everyone, freediver or non freediver. When we are physically active, our bodies use more energy and that means consuming more food in order to replace the calories/energy used. Something that many of us forget though is to keep well hydrated. Having a healthy diet & adequate hydration will enable us to do well in our chosen sport, reduce the risk of injury and ensure the best recovery after training.
When freediving, we tend to lose a fair amount of fluids. Along with those fluids, we also lose electrolytes and salts. What good hydration does is keep those elements replaced, but staying well-hydrated during a freediving session is kind of a challenge. Why? Because you end up urinating in your suit!
Is there a solution to all this? Yes, kind of. Alchemy partner and V330 enthusiast Luca Malaguti, did all the hard work for us and drafted a balanced plan for us to use
on The Freedive Wire. Keep you body healthy and those wetsuits clean! Read Full Article.