Nick Pelios Freediver, Creator
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In the world of freediving, where precision and performance are paramount, equipment choices can make all the difference. One such choice that has been gaining traction among seasoned divers is the new Alchemy Heavy Neck Weight. In this blog post, we'll explore 4 compelling reasons why investing in the Alchemy Heavy Neck Weight is a game-changer for any enthusiast looking to enhance their underwater experiences. 

Postural Precision

When executing a profound plunge with an extensive freefall, the repositioning of mass to the neck rather than the hips enhances one's postural alignment. The shift relocates the densest portion of the diver from the hips, which constitutes a midway point along the body, to the neck—a far more diminutive, narrower point at the body's lower extremity, especially when the diver is inverted. It's all about equilibrium. Visualize a few lead pieces dispersed upon a belt worn around the hips. Unless these weight blocks are impeccably spread out, even minor deviations will exert a tug on the body, prompting the diver to execute micro-adjustments. While I have certainly observed divers executing deep dives with conventional weight belts, seemingly mastering these minute modifications, experience suggests that achieving equilibrium with the weight distributed on the neck is notably simpler. The neck's compact, oval structure ensures a snug, perfectly balanced fit.

Enhanced Hydrodynamics

During profound dives featuring extended freefalls, the Alchemy Heavy Neck Weight can exhibit superior hydrodynamics compared to a traditional belt, particularly when the belt possesses a superfluous length that tends to flutter during the descent. Although there are solutions to mitigate the vexing belt-flutter phenomenon, it's safe to assert that lead blocks protruding from the hips are still less aerodynamic than the sleek, oval contour of a neck weight. While this may not carry significant weight for many dives, I've discerned that even minor improvements in hydrodynamics can translate into valuable seconds either gained or lost during deep descents.

But, Is It Discomforting?

An astute inquiry indeed. On terra firma, donning a neck weight might elicit unfamiliar sensations. However, submerged and inverted, my personal experience indicates swift acclimatization, particularly when equipped with a well-fitted neck weight. I've ascertained that the maximum mass I can comfortably bear around my neck hovers around 2kg, a weight that conveniently aligns with my deep diving exploits clad in 1.5 mm wetsuits.

The Sartorial Element

Lastly, let's not overlook the most overt incentive for opting for the Alchemy Heavy Neck Weight: it exudes an air of sophistication. And we freedivers are unquestionably susceptible to the allure of sophistication (or at the very least, the illusion of it) in our discipline. Let's face it; we parade about in sleek wetsuits, sporting masks that wouldn't seem out of place in a comic book superhero's arsenal. Add a meticulously crafted "collar" to the ensemble, and presto, it becomes a fashion statement.


You needn't be an instructor or a seasoned deep diver to explore the benefits of the Alchemy Heavy Neck Weight. Whether motivated by pragmatic considerations or a penchant for aesthetics, any enhancement to your comfort and performance in the aquatic realm undoubtedly constitutes a boon. If you're a diver who routinely bears a substantial mass on a belt, ponder the prospect of redistributing some to your neck for improved comfort and enhanced belt stability. Experiment, and uncover the solution that resonates best with your needs!

Discover Heavy

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