Roni Essex Freediver, Spearo, Creator
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A short while ago we were asked by Apnea Passion to send them a pair of Alchemy S30 fins to review. Last week they came back with their results. Here's what they think of them.

Alchemy S30

At Apneapassion we were really curious to know more about the Alchemy carbon fiber blades. In fact, they are always well-presented on social media with fantastic photos and videos. “Does the great perceived quality match with reality and performance?” we asked ourselves at AP. Alchemy sent us a pair of Alchemy S blades, specifically indicated for spearfishing, and we asked for the soft version. Anxious of knowing how these fins performed, we involved a very experienced athlete to test them for us. Sergio Cologno, Apnea Academy instructor and strong spearfisherman, has given them a go both in the pool and at sea. He was impressed with some special aspects!


“It feels as if you have no fins”, is the comment by Sergio. “Probably the best characteristic of these fins is this one. Total lightness, no fatigue at all, it is as if you do not have them on your feet. After 8 hours at sea spearfishing, the Alchemy S had given no stress at all to Sergio’s legs. Amazing!


Photo By Viking Spearo


Very good performance in terms of acceleration and speed, in line with other high-level carbon fiber fins on the market. It is through the matching with the record low fatigue that gives as result a really excellent product. This also applies to surface transfers.


The ascent from the bottom is extremely effective and strong. Going down to -33 meters there is no limit at all by the Alchemy S blades in pushing the diver towards the surface. In addition, the smoothness and softness give great comfort, but at the same time the thrust is extremely strong.


Photo By Luca Malaguti

Directionality & Shallow Water

Directionality is great. The limited length of 60 cm measured from the curve under the foot to the tip helps to move easily among the rocks. The noise generated by the Alchemy S blades is totally absent. This is key of course during spearfishing.

Adjustment & Footpocket Adaptation

The Alchemy S blades do not have specific adjustments possible. They are though offered in 5 different hardnesses: Soft, Soft/Medium, Medium, Medium/Hard and Hard. This gives a good choice to the diver.


Photo by Canarias Underwater


The Alchemy S blades have really confirmed the visual impression they give. The quality, in fact, is not only in the look but also and especially in the performance. In particular, the lightness, fatigue reduction and ease of finning, are really of top level. Performance in terms of acceleration and speed is very good. Even in the pool, tested by Sergio, the Alchemy S blades have given excellent results.

Watch The Alchemy S In Action

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