Nick Pelios Freediver, Creator
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The top sports stars get there with a lot of coaching - not just physical but also psychological. Here are four secrets of sports psychology, from Josephine Perry, sports psychologist. And it turns out, these tricks are equally relevant in everyday life. So next time you feel really nervous, try this.

Being Nervous Is Good

It might sound a bit strange, but I promise you it works. Tell yourself: "I am not nervous, I am excited". Why does this work? Well, we all get anxious and nervous at times - totally normal. The tendency of course is to tell yourself to calm down. Sounds like a good idea, but having butterflies in your stomach, and that sense of anxiety, is just so far removed from a state of calm, your body just won't buy it. Reframing anxiety as excitement works because both are states of high arousal. But while anxiety is negative and will hamper your performance - you literally feel under threat - excitement is an emotion that will help you feel positive and look forward to the challenge. In the words of Britain's most decorated Olympian - with six gold medals - track cyclist Sir Chris Hoy "never use the words nervous or anxious; use the words exciting and adrenalized".


Photo by Rickasct

Don't Do All The Work Yourself

All athletes learn how to take care of themselves. But as important as taking care of yourself is learning to let others support you along the way. In 2019, Kenyan long-distance runner Eliud Kipchoge broke the two-hour marathon record. But, he didn't do it on his own. On the day of the event, he had help from 41 pacemakers, and of course the support of thousands of people who came along to cheer. Kipchoge asked for the general public to be there because he knew he could run better with their support. Who can you ask to support you in your everyday life? There is no shame in getting help when you're trying to achieve something difficult. Asking for support is a sign of strength, and positive support is priceless.

Mentally Rehearse

Many of the world's top athletes use visualization techniques before a big event - they're mentally rehearsing it in their minds. This can increase motivation, build confidence and improve your performance. The more realistic this visualisation and preparation is, the more successful it will be. Athletes will think about the sounds they might hear - like the crowd. What they might smell - like freshly cut grass. And imagine what they are going to see. And how they might feel. Runners might visualise difficult parts of their race. Before becoming the fastest British woman in recorded history, Dina Asher-Smith had already raced - and won - multiple times in her mind. She said, "I might visualize the final, I run through it as if I'm running it. It's quite fun". So next time you have something to prepare for - like a job interview or an exam - visualize exactly how you would like it to go. Think about what you expect to see, to smell, to hear and how it will make you feel. Identify any mental challenges and how you could overcome these. So that when you come to do it for real, you are fully prepared.


Photo by Meeschell

Talk To Yourself

Negative thoughts reduce confidence. This happens to everyone - even the greatest athletes. But they have learned techniques to overcome them. One technique is called self-talk - literally talking to yourself. This can have a surprising effect on your performance. Top athletes will often be heard saying, “You got this." "I can do this.” It helps them to control anxiety, to build their confidence and to provide focus. Muhammad Ali, often considered the greatest boxer of all time, was famous for saying "I am the greatest". But interestingly, he admitted repeatedly saying this phrase to himself long before he became successful. You don't need to say much. Use small phrases like “You are ready”, “You are good at this.” So, next time your brain tells you you can't do something, just think of Muhammad Ali and tell yourself "I can".

Visualization For Freediving

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