This giant trevally we got weighs over a hundred pounds and it was around 20 years old when my buddy shot a spear into the top of its head. There's a little island next to Bali, it's called Nusa Ceningan. It's two miles long and half a mile wide, and it's got about a thousand residents. There are no cars on this island, and a narrow bridge that's barely wide enough for a motorbike is the only way to access it other than by boat. Most of the residents here have previously worked in the tourism industry, but, thanks to the virus, those jobs have basically disappeared, and so now the main industry is seaweed farming. You can see miles and miles of their farms surrounding the island and although these farms are beautiful to fly a drone over, they're much less profitable than catering to wealthy tourists on holiday. And so now many of the locals have a mostly vegetarian diet, not for ethical reasons but for financial reasons. Meat is a lot more expensive than rice. Anyways, as pretty as they are, I'm not here to look at seaweed farms, I'm here to spearfish.

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