Here's what Jarrod Jablonski, the director of Deep Dive Dubai had to say about the pool: "We think it's for everyone, and we spent a lot of time trying to develop a facility that could really cater to everyone, from beginners, who have no experience at all in the water, all the way to the seasoned professionals, and even athletes who are interested in training. People hear that depth, you know 60 meters, and they think "oh gosh, I can't go there". But most of the facility, the bulk of the activity is all in much shallower water. So, you can have a fabulous time really diving in as little as a couple of meters of water. We have quite a lot of activity going all the way down to 20 and then even in 30 meters of water. We have a really engaging area, fully furnished rooms, all this kind of really cool stuff to see in a shallow range. So we're really set up to handle people with no experience all the way into the experts, throughout the whole spectrum of experience diving".